The INTAQT project is a five-year H2020 project, led by INRAE, which aims to assess the relationship between animal production systems and the quality of the products they produce, particularly in the poultry and beef sector. INTAQT intends to involve all the actors in the chicken and cattle production chains and consumers. This will be achieved through the development of quality assessment and authentication tools, to provide science-based decision support for policy makers, industries, farmers and consumers as well as develop means to improve husbandry practices complying with high quality of animal products and sustainability of production, defined as the “One Quality” of products.


Code:Re-Farm focuses on poultry & goat production systems with the goal of understanding the links between husbandry systems and intrinsic quality of derived products. Novel technologies will be exploited for assessing the intrinsic quality of products along the value chain (Product Lifecycle Monitoring), farm to fork. The insights from this assessment, combined with insights on societal demands and sustainability of production processes will drive alternative solutions that fit sustainable, consumer-driven business


With the aim of reducing negative environmental impacts while addressing societal demands for safe, nutritious and affordable meat and dairy products, PATHWAYS is about identifying and increasing sustainable practices along the supply and production chains of the European livestock sector. Coordinated by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and comprising 28 partners from 12 countries, this 5-year (2021-2026) €9 million Horizon 2020 project contributes to the EU Farm-to-Fork Strategy which is at the heart of the EU Green Deal.

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Project Coordinator
Wageningen Research
Dr. Hans Spoolder

Communication and Dissemination Coordinator
Asociación ECOVALIA
Ángela Morell Pérez
+34 955 023 190

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101000344.