Do you want to save the planet? Eat meat
On the 25th of February, Asociación Ecovalia and mEATquality organized a round table “Do you want to save the planet? eat meat” in the frames of the international meat industry fair Meat […]
mEATquality analyses consumer attitudes, perceptions, and preferences regarding sustainable meat production. The husbandry factors that determinate ‘extensiveness’ can be applied and optimised in organic, free-range and conventional production systems.
To help farmers to improve the quality of their pork and broiler meat by applying extensive husbandry practices.
To inform consumers about the extensiveness of production methods regarding the quality of the pork and broiler meat they purchase.
To support the EU Farm to Fork strategy’s objective to combat food fraud by investigating methods to improve traceability and determine authenticity.
To support the development of techniques to assess the sustainability of livestock production.
On the 25th of February, Asociación Ecovalia and mEATquality organized a round table “Do you want to save the planet? eat meat” in the frames of the international meat industry fair Meat […]
Have look at the latest joint publication “Connecting the Fork to the Farm” in REVOLVE magazine. Four EU projects, namely, PATHWAYS, mEATquality, Code: Re-farm, and INTAQT shared their findings and research lines aiming to build a […]
In collaboration with our sister projects H2020 INTAQT, Code: Re-farm, PATHWAYS, and our partners AVEC and JUMBO, mEATquality organized an online Mini Symposium titled “Extensification of Husbandry Conditions: Can You […]
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