Scroll down to discover the wide range of materials available.

2024: Markers for meat provenance and authenticity with an account of its defining factors and quality characteristics – a review.
S.W. Erasmus, M. Sohaib, I. Revilla, A. M. Vivar-Quintana, S. J. Giancolia

2023: Design of Cues on Supply Chain Encryption through Blockchain Technology and Animal Welfare Compliance on Meat Product Packaging.
Andrea Gröppel-Klein and Kenya-Maria Kirsch

2023: Blockchain encryption of supply chains and animal welfare cues and their impact on consumers’ assessment of high-quality meat.
Andrea Gröppel-Klein and Kenya-Maria Kirsch
2023: Husbandry practices associated with extensification in European pig production and their effects on pork quality.
A. Ludwiczak, M. Kasprowicz-Potocka, A. Zaworska-Zakrzewska, J. Składanowska-Baryza, V. Rodriguez-Estevez, S. Sanz-Fernandez, C. Diaz-Gaona, P. Ferrari, L. Juul Pedersen, M.Y.R. Couto, I. Revilla, E. Sell-Kubiak

2022: Linking key husbandry factors to the intrinsic quality of broiler meat.
J. Marchewka, P. Sztandarski, M. Solka, H. Louton, K. Rath, L. Vogt, E. Rauch, D. Ruijter, I. C. de Jong, J. O. Horbanczuk
Recorded lectures
First results on extensification factors on indicators of animal welfare, Transfer Day about mEATquality in WP1 (pigs), Feb 2024, Salamanca (Spain)
A powerful evidence-based tool that is more needed now than ever before, Symposium mEATquality, May 2022, Wageningen (Netherlands)
Taking spectroscopy from the laboratory to beyond, Symposium mEATquality, May 2022, Wageningen (Netherlands)
Industry development and research, Symposium mEATquality, May 2022, Wageningen (Netherlands)
Lights out the factory of the future, Symposium mEATquality, May 2022, Wageningen (Netherlands)
Chicken is champion, Symposium mEATquality, May 2022, Wageningen (Netherlands)
Defining carcass and meat quality, Symposium mEATquality, May 2022, Wageningen (Netherlands)
Commercialising meat quality, Symposium mEATquality, May 2022, Wageningen (Netherlands)
Development of meat from past to present, Symposium mEATquality, May 2022, Wageningen (Netherlands)
Posters, abstracts and PPT´s
How are pog producers in small and medium farms performing currently? – case studies
D. Łodyga, A. Zaworska-Zakrzewska, M. Kasprowicz-Potocka,E. Sell-Kubiak
Presented at the XLIX Scientific Session of the Animal Nutrition Section of the Committee of Zootechnical Sciences and Aquaculture in Lublin (Poland), 25 – 27.09.2023
Dried apple pomace as a feed component for fatteners
M. Kasprowicz-Potocka, A. Zaworska-Zakrzewska, D. Łodyga, E. Sell-Kubiak
Presented at the XLIX Scientific Session of the Animal Nutrition Section of the Committee of Zootechnical Sciences and Aquaculture in Lublin (Poland), 25 – 27.09.2023
Buckwheat hull as a feed component for fatteners
A. Zaworska-Zakrzewska, M. Kasprowicz-Potocka, D. Łodyga, E. Sell-Kubiak
Presented at the XLIX Scientific Session of the Animal Nutrition Section of the Committee of Zootechnical Sciences and Aquaculture in Lublin (Polish), 25 – 27.09.2023
Understanding consumers’ ethical orientation in consumption choices – An application to meat products
K. G. Grunert, A. O. Peschel, K. Thomsen, G. Tsalis
Presented at the Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Odense (Denmark), 23-26.05.2023
The Role of Trust in the Appreciation of Sustainability Attributes in the Choice of Pork and Broiler Meat
A. O. Peschel, K. Thomsen, G. Tsalis, K. G. Grunert
Presented at the Conference of the European Assocation of Agricultural Economists, Rennes (France), August 29 – September 2, 2023
Review on the effects of sustainable extensification of pig husbandry on pork quality
A. Ludwiczak, E. Sell-Kubiak and Meat Quality Consortium
Presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science – EAAP 2022, Porto (Portugal) 08.09.2022
Effect of key husbandry factors on chicken meat and carcass quality
J. Marchewka, P. Sztandarzki, M. Solka, H. Louton, E. Rauch, K. Rath, L. Vogt, W. Vogt-Kaute , D. Ruijte, I.C. De Jong
Presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science – EAAP 2022, Porto (Portugal) 07.09.2022
European consumers’ evaluation of pork and broiler meat quality attributes
A.O. Peschel, K. Thomsen and K.G. Grunert
Presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science – EAAP 2022, Porto (Portugal) 05.09.2022
European consumers’ evaluation of pork and broiler meat quality attributes
H.A.M. Spoolder, B. Kemp and B. De Bruijn
Presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science – EAAP 2022, Porto (Portugal) 05.09.2022

Quick sustainability scan calculator for intensive and extensive broiler farms
Sanz-Fernández, C. Reyes-Palomo, J. Marchewka, P. Sztandarski, A. Jaszczyk, M. Solka, H. Louton, L. Quirin, L. Vogt, C. Díaz-Gaona, V. Rodríguez-Estévez
Presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science – EAAP 2024, Florence (Italy), 01-05.09.2024

On-farm animal welfare assessment in slaughter pigs across different production systems in four European countries
L. V. Larsen, L. J. Pedersen, Consortium mEATquality, T. Rousing.
Presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science – EAAP 2024, Florence (Italy), 01-05.09.2024

Life Cycle Assessment of different poultry production systems around Europe: mEATquality project
S. Reyes-Palomo, S. Sanz-Fernández, J. Marchewka, P. Sztandarski, A. Jaszczyk, M. Solka, H. Louton, L. Quirin, L. Vogt, C. Díaz-Gaona, V. Rodríguez-Estévez. Presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science – EAAP 2024, Florence (Italy), 01-05.09.2024

The space allowance affects selected pork physicochemical traits of native Polish Pulawska pig breed
A.Ludwiczak, J. Składanowska-Baryza, A. Zaworska-Zakrzewska, M. Kasprowicz-Potocka, W. Goździejewska, D. Łodyga, E. Sell-Kubiak. Presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science – EAAP 2024, Florence (Italy), 01-05.09.2024

Use of apple pomace in pigs diet.
D. Łodyga, M. Kasprowicz-Potocka, A. Zaworska-Zakrzewska, A. Ludwiczak, J. Składanowska-Baryza. Presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science – EAAP 2024, Florence (Italy), 01-05.09.2024

A slow-growing broiler strain has more beneficial effects on
broiler welfare than providing environmental enrichment I. C. de Jong, H. Gunnink, T. van Hattum, S. Melis, J. A.J. van der Eijk. Wageningen Livestock Research. Presented on XVI European Poultry Conference 2024, Valencia, Spain

Effect of Environmental Enrichment on the Quality of Iberian Pig Meat
I. Revilla, M. Rodríguez-Fernández, I. Martínez-martín, M. Hernández-Jiménez, A.M. Vivar-Quintana. Area Food Technology, Universidad de Salamanca, Zamora, Spain. Presented at the 22nd World Congress of Food Science and Technology

Correlations between Different Devices for Pork Meat Texture Analysis
I.Revilla, M. Rodríguez-Fernández, I. Martínez-Martin, M. Hernández-Jiménez, A.M. Vivar-Quintana. Area of Food Technology, Universidad de Salamanca, Zamora, Spain. Presented at the 22nd World Congress of Food Science and Technology

Use of a portable NIR spectrometer for the classification of fresh pork meat according to diet
M. Rodríguez-Fernández, M. Hernández-Jiménez, I. Martínez-Martín, A.M. Vivar-Quintana, I. Revilla, Universidad de Salamanca, Zamora, España. O. Escuredo, L. Meno, M.C. Seijo, Universidade de Vigo, Facultad de Ciencias, Ourense, España. Presented at Final SensorFINT International Conference, Cordoba, Spain