A Multi-Actor Platform (MAP) will be set up to advise the project partners. It will be composed of 10-12 members from different stackeholders backgrounds. MAP members are kept closely informed about the project´s progress through platform meetings to be held annually. The main responsibilities of the MAP are:

  • Advise the project partners on changes in societal and consumer priorities that may impact the project objectives and expected impacts.

  • Recommended ways to deal with these changes, to best serve the project´s objectives.

  • Advise the mEATquality consortium on the best ways to communicate its findings to the meat chain.

  • Support communication of project findings through their own channels.

  • Representative: Andrea Rossi

  • Meat chain

  • Italy

  • Representative: Birthe Steenberg

  • Poultry meat sector

  • Belgium

  • Representative: Juergen Toelke

  • Meat processing

  • Germany

  • Representative: Daniele Rossi

  • Farmer Organisation

  • Europe

  • Representative: Inês  Ajuda

  • Society

  • Europe

  • Representative: Laurence Meijer

  • Supermarket

  • Netherlands

  • Representative: Ronald Klont

  • Meat processing

  • Netherlands

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Project Coordinator
Wageningen Research
Dr. Hans Spoolder

Communication and Dissemination Coordinator
Asociación ECOVALIA
Ángela Morell Pérez
+34 955 023 190

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101000344.